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The Punxsutawney Area Community Foundation, Inc. is an independent, tax-exempt, public charity serving the Punxsutawney Area, and annually participates in the National Day of Giving, held the Tuesday after Thanksgiving.
The “National Day of Giving” was established to encourage communities, businesses, and families to coordinate to “give thanks by giving” to local charities, which work year-round to address and solve problems in our community. 
PXYCF coordinates the Day of Giving for the Punxsutawney community, which this year will be held on November 28, 2023. Please considering donating to your favorite charity on this day to have you funds matched by our sponsors. You can donate by stopping into the Punxsutawney Memorial Library or by donating online through this page.

PXYCF is also seeking sponsors to contribute to a matching pool for the local day of giving.  Funds raised by local charities will have a percentage of their funds matched by the pool funds proportional to the amount the charity mobilizes.  Pooled funds will be distributed to charities participating in the “Day of Giving."  Interested sponsors can learn more about the Day of Giving by emailing PXYCF at or leaving a message at (814) 938-2493 and a volunteer Foundation Board Director will return your call as soon
as possible.

Please help us make the "National Day of Giving"
a success for our community.

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